To encourage yourself to take part of even more rewarding stories, you can set a listening goal in the Storytel app for how many books you want to read/listen to during a certain period of time.
How to set a listening goal
To set your listening goal, go to Profile -> Listening Goal in the app. Click on the button Create new goal to get started.
Create and edit your goal
When you create your goal, you get the option to choose the time period 1, 3, 6, 12 months or to the end of the year. You can add any number of books you'd like to complete during this time. Both ebooks and audiobooks are included in your listening goal. Please note: If you've uploaded your own epub files to your Storytel Reader, these books are not included in the goal.
You will be able to follow your progress in the app.
When editing your goal, you can always choose to extend the time period or add a higher amount of books to be read/listened to. However, it's not possible to edit your goal to shorten the chosen time period or reduce the amount of books so that your goal is achieved. To change your goal, click on Update goal.
Please note: If you've not reached a listening goal, it's not possible to edit it. However, you can always choose to extend your goal (by 30 days) or create a new goal and try again.
Kids Mode
While the app is in Kids Mode, any books that are read/listened to will not be included in the listening goal.
If you're not familiar with the Kids Mode feature and would like to know more, you can go to this article.
Achieving your listening goal
Your progress is updated automatically and you don't need to do anything to make sure that the books you finish listening/reading are included in the goal. Your goal will be considered to be achieved either if you've read/listened to the books you set out to and the time has ended, or when you yourself manually complete your goal (if you finished before the time was up).
Please note: It's not possible to see the books that you listened to or read to achieve your goal, or to save your achieved goals and view them at a later time. If you want to save your listening goals, you can click on Share goal; you can choose to share it with others but can also share it with yourself.