Save your books offline to make sure you can listen everywhere, even without an internet connection.
Save an audiobook offline
First, save the audiobook you want to download to your bookshelf.
Then, click on the circle with 3 dots in it (either next to the title in the bookshelf, or on the title's detail page) and click on Save offline.
You can also download it directly in the player, if you click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and choose Save as offline.
The audiobook will start to download. We recommend that you don't do anything else in the app or cancel the app until the download is completed.
Once it's downloaded, the audiobook will be marked as green in your bookshelf. You can also see all audiobooks that you have saved offline if you, in the app, click on Settings and look at the bottom of the page.
You can remove the audiobook from offline mode if you click on the circle with 3 dots in the bookshelf, the book's detail page or by clicking on the trash icon to the far right in the Player.
Save an ebook offline
First, you need to save the ebook to your bookshelf.
The first time you click on Read to start reading your ebook, it will be downloaded automatically and the download will be finished when all pages have been initialized. Because of this, there is no option to download ebooks.
The ebook will be saved as offline for as long as you don't remove it from your bookshelf or log out of the app.
Keep in mind: If you log out from the app, your books will no longer be saved offline and needs to be downloaded again.