Storytel offers different kinds of subscriptions.
With Storytel Unlimited, you get access to all our titles and can choose to pay for a longer subscription period for a discounted price.
With Family or Family Plus, you can have 2 or 3 accounts in the same subscription for a discounted price.
You can see and read more about our subscription plans here.
Change your subscription plan
1. Log in to your account on our website.
2. Go to My Pages -> My Account. Here, you will also see which subscription plan you have currently.
3. Click on Manage next to your current subscription plan.
4. Click on Change subscription plan.
5. Choose an available subscription plan.
Before your change of subscription has gone through, you will see more information of what your specific change means for you. It's not until you've proceeded to payment and filled in your payment details again that the subscription will actually change.
Please note: You will be charged immediately for the new subscription period when changing subscription plans.
Changing from Unlimited to Family or Family Plus
If you have days left of your subscription with Storytel Unlimited, and wish to change to Family or Family Plus, the days you have left of Unlimited will be converted to "family days" which corresponds to the amount of days with Unlimited you had left.*
If you change your subscription plan from Family to Family Plus, the remaining days of the previous subscription will be converted in the same way.
Please note: You will always see which subscription you have currently, which kind of subscription you are changing to, and how the days will be converted before completing the change.
If you change from Unlimited to a family plan, you can find more information on how to invite guests to your family plan in this article.
*If you're still on your free trial when changing subscription plans, the days left of your free trial will not be converted.
Changing from a family plan to Storytel Unlimited
You can follow the steps above to change your subscription plan at any time.
If you decide to change subscription plan to one with fewer accounts (for example, from Family Plus to Unlimited), you will remain on your current subscription plan for the entire period you have paid for. The subscription will change once your current subscription period has ended.
I'm not able to change subscription plan
I have an in-app subscription through Google or Apple
It's not possible to immediately change subscription plan if you pay for your current subscription through in-app payment. To change subscription plan, you need to first terminate your subscription with in-app payment, wait until it's completely cancelled and then start the subscription using card payment.
I've never had a subscription with Storytel
You can read more here about how to start a subscription with Storytel.